Thermal Vacuum Chambers

Thermal Vacuum Testing Overview

Vacuum Icon

Thermal Vacuum (T-VAC) Testing

  • Thermal vacuum (T-VAC) chambers are used to simulate the temperature and pressure of a space environment.
  • The T2D2 thermal vacuum chambers can achieve a temperature of -180 °C to +145 °C.
  • Using a cryocooler in the chamber can achieve a temperature of 2.6 K.
  • The T2D2 thermal vacuum chambers can achieve a vacuum pressure of 1x10^-8 torr (atmospheric pressure is 760 torr).

Importance Icon

Importance of T-VAC Testing

  • Qualifying space hardware by applying the principle of “test as you fly”.
  • Correlating the accuracy of thermal simulation models.
  • Testing to temperature hardware limits to ensure proper operation.
  • Performing thermal cycling and thermal balance tests (space-like conditions).
  • Cleaning hardware and addressing contamination & outgassing concerns.
  • Checking that optical components work correctly under vacuum.

Thermal Elements

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  • T2D2 heating is achieved with heaters connected to power supplies.
  • Heating or cooling can also be achieved with circulators.

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  • T2D2 cooling is achieved using liquid nitrogen plumbed through the vacuum chamber or using a cryocooler.

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Thermal Zones

  • Belljar = chamber top
  • Shield = radiative doors
  • Shroud = radiative walls
  • Platen = bottom plate
  • Basewell = chamber bottom

Vacuum Elements

Roughing Pump Icon

Roughing Pump

  • These pumps get vacuum chambers from ambient pressure to the "rough vacuum" regime, (from 760 torr to around 1x10−3 torr).
  • The first step towards achieving a high vacuum (between 1x10-5 torr and 1x10-8 torr).
  • The two different styles are oil-sealed roughing pumps and dry roughing pumps.

Turbo Pump Icon

Turbomolecular Pump

  • Used to obtain and maintain a high vacuum (between 1x10-5 torr and 1x10-10 torr).
  • Consists of rotating rotor blades and stationary stator blades to pump out molecules from the vacuum chamber.
  • Some models spin up to 90,000 RPM.

Cryo Pump Icon

Cryogenic Pump

  • Used to obtain and maintain a high vacuum (between 1x10-5 torr and 1x10-10 torr).
  • This type of pump cools down to cryogenic temperatures (single-digit Kelvin) to condense and freeze gases out of a vacuum chamber.
  • Many cryopumps are cooled using helium run through a compressor unit.

Contamination Elements

Scavenger Plate Icon

Scavenger Plate

  • A device that freezes contaminants onto its surface.
  • Operates the entire duration of the test.
  • Collects outgassed material throughout the entire test.
  • Typically set to -120 to -160 °C.
  • Isopropyl alcohol rinses taken off SP tend to be discolored (yellowish tint).

Cold Finger Icon

Cold Finger

  • A device that freezes contaminants onto its surface.
  • Operates only near the end of the test.
  • Collects materials that are still being outgassed from the hardware near the end of the test.
  • Typically set to -120 to -160 °C.
  • Isopropyl alcohol rinses taken off CF are always cleaner than SP rinses.

QCM Icon

Quartz Crystal Microbalance

  • Determines the real-time outgassing rate of hardware.
  • Quartz crystal changes oscillation frequency as more material is outgassed.
  • Delta Frequency (Hz/hr): change in frequency over time, outgassing rate.
  • Delta Delta Frequency (Hz/hr/hr): change in delta frequency over time, see if the outgassing rate is still decaying.

RGA Icon

Residual Gas Analyzer

  • Detects small traces of impurities in a vacuum environment down to parts per million resolution.
  • Operates in vacuums down to the 10-12 torr range.
  • Used to identify which elements and compounds are still present.
  • Gives data about partial pressures as a function of atomic masses.
  • Useful for leak detection using helium or isopropyl alcohol.

Thermal Vacuum Testing Sequence

Turbo Pump System

Turbo Pump Icon

Turbo Pump
Sequence of Operation

Cryo Pump System

Cryo Pump Icon

Cryo Pump
Sequence of Operation

Types of T-VAC Tests

Oven Icon


    Cleaning hardware by raising its temperature

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Thermal Cycling

Subjecting hardware to multiple temperature swings

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Thermal Balances

Setting the vacuum chamber to a fixed temperature and allowing the hardware to reach thermal equilibrium